My Allies

Jer: Not a day goes by without me being reminded how much I love him. Alex: Friends since I started at Queen's U.  I miss being drunk and playing games with him. Skye: The best person to party with.  I love her to pieces, and she's great at giving advice and hugs.
Sylvan: Dying of Asian Fever.  Lucky to have known him almost as long as Al.  I love the guy. Kiisu: Electrocution upon contact. We met via association, but his comics, intelligence, and wit keep me coming back for more. Kallen: Quiet, Full of wisdom, and possesor of tremendous creative energy.  Makes me want to get him drunk and corrupt him.
Jen: Insanity is hereditary.  You get it from your family.  I love ya, little cuz. Beth: Hardships aside, she's got a huge heart that she's always willing to share. Victoria: Great listener who is always ready to point out when there's a family in a minivan.
Heather & Winston: Free spirits?  Well, not too many people get married on halloween.  They are truly great friends.

There's no place like home